Laboratory for Animal Experiments

This laboratory deals with studies pertaining to viability of Mycobacterium leprae which is assessed in the footpad of mice, drug susceptibility testing of M.leprae, other aspects of host pathogenicity in animals and is now initiating studies on infection on Mycobacterium tuberculosis in animals.


Dr. Amit Kumar Singh
(Scientist-D and In-Charge)
Dr. Vimal Kumar
(Scientist B)

Experimental Animal Facility Division

The Experimental Animal Facility division has the facilityfor research on leprosy and Animal BSL-3 lab for research on animal model of tuberculosis.


Animal House
The following laboratory animals are bred and maintained as per the norms and regulations of CPCSEA and under the guidance of IAEC for research purpose:

  • Mice (BALB/c and Swiss albino strain)
  • Guinea pig (Dunkin Hartley)
  • Rabbit (New Zealand White)

Leprosy Lab
The animal laboratory has the facility to develop Shepard’s mice model of leprosy by growing Mycobacterium leprae bacilli in mice foot pad. Various research project involving animal studies for the determination of drug susceptibility of M. leprae, therapeutic evaluation of drug candidates and protective efficacy of candidate anti-leprosy vaccines are performed in Shepard’s mice model of leprosy in our department.

ABSL-3 Facility
Animal BSL-3 laboratory has animal holding room equipped with ventilated racks for housing small laboratory animals (mice & guinea pigs). The facility has latest equipment like Full Body Inhalation Exposure System from Glas-Col® which produces deep lung infection in animals through aerosol route infection. The research work done in the laboratory include the therapeutic evaluation of drug candidates, protective efficacy studies of vaccine candidates against mycobacteria, studies related to TB disease pathogenesis in animal models, etc.

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