Laboratory division has the following seven units:

Department of Biochemistry

This laboratory undertakes studies pertaining to the biochemical aspects of the disease, lipid biosynthesis, and metabolic disposition of anti -mycobacterial drug and intracellular expression of protein with mycobacteria using proteomic approach.

Laboratory for Animal Experiments

This laboratory deals with studies pertaining to viability of Mycobacterium leprae which is assessed in the footpad of mice, drug susceptibility testing of M.leprae, other aspects of host pathogenicity in animals and is now initiating studies on infection on Mycobacterium tuberculosis in animals.

Electron Microscopy

This laboratory has a focus on investigating the ultrastructure of the mycobacteria as well as host responses from the biopsies.

Department of Immunology

This laboratory carries out studies on the immunological aspects dealing with immune mechanisms in the host, antigens, and immunodiagnostics.

Department of Microbiology & Molecular Biology

This laboratory conducts research on various aspects of microbiology and molecular biology of tuberculosis leprosy and other mycobacterial infections. This laboratory specifies in the area of taxonomy, viability and drug resistance whereas molecular biology studies focus on diagnosis using gene probes, PCR and other important aspects such as molecular epidemiology, molecular mechanisms of drug resistance, genomic studies aiming at strain diversity and expression of the genes within the host.

Department of Pathology

This laboratory has been undertaking studies with special focus on diagnosis of leprosy aiming at improving the histo-diagnosis of leprosy and mycobacterial infections.


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